In the Prosocial behavior lab we study the neurobiological mechanisms that lead to a prosocial response to others' pain and distress. Our lab focuses on empathic helping behavior in rats, and we focus on the neural network that is implicated in representation of distress and prosocial motivation. The core empathic response is highly influenced by social identity of the other in distress, and our research also aims to understand how social identity is represented in the brain, and how that representation impacts the affective and motivational response. We use several methods to image the brain-wide activity involved in helping, and identify the sub-populations involved in these processes. In the lab we use a combination of molecular techniques, as well as genetic methods to image and manipulate the cells that drive this complex behavior. Other than the affective arousal involved in the response to distress, we are interested in understanding the cognitive processes involved in rat helping, and other aspects of the empathic response. We also like humans, and occasionally try to understand them.
Research Interests

Empathic concern develops most readily between similar individuals and motivates pro-social behavior directed preferentially towards affiliated others. How do animals form categorization of others into in-group and out-group members, and by what mechanism is a specific social behavior (pro-social vs. aggressive) assigned to one conspecific but not another? The Helping Behavior Test is an excellent model by which these questions can be studied.

Social support is a major factor in reducing effects of stress and illness both in humans and other animals. It is unclear how the presence of a caring affiliated other induces these protective effects. We are exploring the pathway by which empathy effects the HPA axis and inflammation and immune profiles of animals undergoing a homeostatic challenge.

Empathy is regulated by the neurotransmitters dopamine and serotonine, which are modulated by substences of abuse. We investigate the overlap between these systems and whether we can harness these compounds to enhance well-being.

Sharing the distress of others involves experiencing emotional pain as a result of witnessing another's pain. Research in humans has demonstrated that a common neural network is used for processing the aversive affect resulting from physical pain to the self, and from observing pain in others. This neural network involves areas in the Amygdala, Anterior cingulate cortex, the insula, PAG, and somatosensory cortex. We study the mechanism by which a social signal of distress, rather than a nociceptive signal of pain, activates the affective “pain matrix” circuit. Understanding the cascade by which another's distress causes the observer to feel pain is an important piece of the puzzle for the study of the biological basis of pro-sociality.
Photo from Decety et al. 2008
We aim is to understand the biological mechanism that links maternal behavior during development to empathic helping in adulthood. Developmental research has found that concern for others emerges during the first year of life before the emergence of language and theory of mind. The appropriate development of empathic concern is crucial in motivating helping behavior towards others. While children normally possess an innate capacity for emotional contagion and an aversion to anti-social behavior, a deficient relationship with the primary care taker can result in abnormal social development. Difficulty in processing the emotional cues of distress from other can lead to callous behavioral traits including aggression and violence. The formation of a proper attachment style between the mother and child is critical in promoting the development of socially functional individuals.