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The Team

We endorse an inclusive and diverse research environment, and promote open-source science with free access to all.

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Dr. Inbal Ben-Ami Bartal

Principle investigator

Nataly Urshansky

Lab manager 


Estherina Trachtenberg

P.hD candidate, Sagol school of Neuroscience.

Estherina's research focuses on the influence of the social environment on immune function through neuro-immune pathways. She is also a trained nurse.

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Keren Ruzal

PhD candidate, Sagol school of Neuroscience.

Interested in the neural correlates of helping behavior. Using behavioral, chemogenetic and optogenetic tools in rats to study how group identity influences the decision to help others, and which brain area(s) are involved in this processing.


Ben Kantor

PhD Candidate

Ben is an expert in computer vision and his research focuses on developing AI tools for analysis of neural activity.  Creator of Brainways


Bar Shvalbo

 PhD Candidate

Sagol School of Neuroscience

Bar is interested in interactions of the environment with development, and is researching the effect of early life events on social development. 

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Reut Hazani

PhD Candidate

Reut is a joint PhD candidate with Prof. Aron Weller at Bar-Ilan University. Reut is researching the effects of early life stress on pro-social behavior.

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Hila Flumin

M.Sc Candidate

Sagol School of Neuroscience

Hila focuses on the effects of prosocial behavior on alcohol addiction, and is a dopamine affectionado. 


Freya Prein

M.Sc Candidate

Sagol School of Neuroscience 

Freya focuses on the role of serotonin in prosocial behavior and is a big behavior fan  


Adin Roemer

M.Sc Candidate

Sagol School of Neuroscience 

Adin is working on in vivo neural activity recordings from the prosocial brain network and audio expert 

Lab Alumni


Dr. Einat Bigelman

Lab manager

Einat is a Molecular biologist, with expertise in histology and animal physiology. 

Contact Us

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+(972) 3 640 5490

Tel-Aviv University

Psychology department

Sharet Building Room 119

30 Haim Levanon st., Ramat Aviv

Tel Aviv 69978

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